More Than 14 Years Giving
Commercial and Residential Restoration
Experience in Painting and Patching Services.
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Arcpillar offer quality and professional services to complete your expectations.
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Over 14 Years of experience

Painting in Residential Area

Painting in Commercial Area

Patching Concrete and Epoxy Resin Surfaces
We Are Arcpillar Contractor LLC
Why Hire Us?
Arcpillar Contractors is dedicated to patching surfaces of concrete, epoxy resin and other similar materials from the Ardex category. We also specialize in the execution of painting projects in the commercial and residential area. Our projects are developed in exterior, interior, wall and floor areas.
From the beginning to the end of each service, our team ensures compliance with all safety and quality regulations. Our main goal is to strive to meet customer expectations as much as possible. All of this is reflected in obtaining successful results in terms of project duration and optimal quality.
Who we are
ARCPILLAR CONTRACTORS is the result of the collaboration of two creative minds. The founders, Marlon Gordillo and Didier Guerra, began a great friendship motivated by the same passion for an industry to which they jointly believed they could contribute considerably.
The practical ideas of Didier and Marlon were consolidated and gave way to the creation of ARCPILLAR CONTRACTORS LLC, a company that brings together more than 14 years of joint experience of their founders and aspires to scale in an industry as valuable as the construction.